Oreo Thin Crisps are Soy-Free

If you are looking for a soy-free treat, consider Oreo Thin Crisps. They are soy-free and delicious (and only 100 calories).

Oreo Thin Crisps are soy-free! - IMAGE VIA PIXABAY

Oreo Thin Crisps are soy-free! - IMAGE VIA PIXABAY

We’ve known for a long time that Oreos contain soy, but not everything in the Oreo family is off the table: Oreo Thin Crisps are soy-free! We’ve long suspected that it was the Oreo cream that contained soy lecithin, but it wasn’t worth testing it (or eating an Oreo without cream).

Oreo Thin Crisps are a great snack option precisely because of how prevalent they are in the U.S. You can easily find these at a convenience store on a road trip, or in a grocery store in an unfamiliar place. In these places, where soy-free options might be more difficult to find, Oreo Thin Crisps can be an easy option to choose. Happy snacking!